
“So how are you doing with your new girlfriend? What’s her name again?” Jason Mendelssohn- Pierce asked his friend; Luis Perez, swirling his glass of scotch. “We’re getting along. Can you believe she has twins?” Luis had spiky black hair and green eyes and a perfect muscular build where Jason had short golden blond curly hair with brown eyes and a body gained from fourteen years of playing football, six in the NFL.

“Twins? Have they taken to you yet?” Jason asked incredulously, chuckling at the vision of Luis being near children. “Not really. And what the hell are you even laughing for?” “I just can’t imagine you with twins. I would quickly withdraw.” “I would in any other case, but I’m really serious about her. Her ex burned her pretty badly and left her to raise the kids on her own.”

“Hey why don’t you bring her by the engagement party at the bar. That’s more your turf,” Jason suggested, thinking it would be the best opportunity to meet the woman who had caught the playboy hook, line and sinker. “We’ll try to make the party and you’re right, it’s more my turf,” Luis replied. “I have to go. Some last-minute details with a new project.”

“Hey, Ivy. Do you mind making copies of the merger papers and faxing them over to Harper & Co. for revision?” asset manager, Amandine Johnson, known by all as Amanda asked her assistant. She was running a bit late and had to go pick her twins up from the exclusive private school they attended. “Sure, Amanda,” Ivy replied, rushing out of the office to do her boss’ bidding.

Her phone screen lighted up and she smiled as she saw a text from her current boyfriend, Luis: Hey gorgeous. What do you think about being my date to an engagement party tonight. Text me when you get home.

She smiled at how sweet he was and frowned when she realized she’d have to get a babysitter when she was really hoping to spend some time with her kids.

The Tycoon’s Woman

The Tycoon’s Woman
Abena Oforiwaa Ampofo
©2014 lovely_coincidence

This book may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. Any resemblance to real persons or situations is purely a coincidence and shouldn’t be taken to heart if offensive in anyway. My sincerest apologies for any inconveniences.
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For me, writing has always been an escape from reality. I have been writing on and off for about seven years. Recently, I lost three years of information (200 pages of writing per each of my three books) when my Gmail crashed and so I now have to rewrite these books. On this website, I will be attempting to rewrite my novel, The Tycoon’s Woman. I hope readers enjoy it. Check out my website and read my creative writing.